High Impact SEO 301 Redirects for a Simple Optimisation Fix & Win

A Trusted Partner for Dynamic & Urgent Needs


So you’re looking for ways to increase you organic website traffic? Look no further! Here’s a low effort, easy-to-implement, high-impact SEO activity that’s on any good digital agency’s ‘SEO checklist’. This will help improve your website’s ranking on Google & other search engines.

Here’s what we’ll cover…

  1. What is a 301 or 302  redirect?
  2. Why are they important for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?
  3. How to fix them?
  4. How to prevent them in the future?
Have you ever retired an old product on your website?

What about unpublishing that outdated service page when you created that fancy new?

Well unless you created a redirect, google things part of your website is broken… which isn’t good news, given they’re in the business of helping serve people with useful information.

What is a web redirection (also known as a 301 or 302 redirect)?

What is a 301 or 302 redirect?

We delivered extensive digital & ecomm consultation to Berkowitz, including: analysis, urgent web development, and business support for their newly acquired business.

404 error

page not found

What is a 301 or 302 redirect?

We delivered extensive digital & ecomm consultation to Berkowitz, including: analysis, urgent web development, and business support for their newly acquired business.

Success Story

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